Pride Matters
Why we need to stand together Pride Week is coming up soon in Kawartha Lakes. Why is that something we care about at Women’s Resources? Well, the stark reality is […]
The Ugly Truth
Please be aware that this post contains descriptions of violence. A hidden price: Women who have been beaten by a partner or loved one have all kinds of injuries, but […]
Volunteer Appreciation Always
There’s nothing quite like the Women’s Resources volunteer experience “Women’s Resources makes a real difference in our community,” says Ruth Fallding. And she should know—she’s been helping out one day […]
Our Marquee Story
This is the eleventh year for the Marquee Event. The original idea was to help raise awareness of the work of Women’s Resources, but also to raise money through a […]
Thank You To Our Generous Community!
Wow. Just . . . wow. As we start a new year, we are so grateful for the compassionate support we receive from you, the community we serve, because that […]
Our exciting new project to help women reclaim their lives Escaping an abusive situation and learning how to survive and even thrive isn’t a quick process, nor one that happens […]
Watch for this sign that someone needs help: It’s simple, and it could save a life. The Canadian Women’s Foundation developed the Violence at Home Signal for Help as a […]
Famous and Flawed
It’s always easiest when the people we look up to are perfect, isn’t it? When they live with integrity, demonstrate moral behaviour at every turn and never say anything ill-considered […]
Safe and Sheltered
Victoria’s is a refuge for women and their children When women arrive at Victoria’s Women’s Shelter and realize that they are now truly safe, they disappear for the first few […]
Books and More
“It’s safe, it’s quiet, it’s welcoming and it’s supportive.” That’s how Women’s Resources client intake worker Bozena Hall — hers is the lovely voice at the end of the phone […]
Missing and Murdered
June is National Indigenous History Month, and June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day in Canada, so this month is a particularly good time to set the platitudes aside and […]
Help for Trafficking Victims
As we’ve noted in this space before, sex trafficking does happen here in Kawartha Lakes. Some of those who end up having to perform sex acts for money against their […]
The Signs of Trafficking
The idea that someone could force another person to undergo sexual acts for money against their will is so appalling that most of us just don’t want to think about […]
Three Decades of Service
The story of Women’s Resources starts with the story of our shelter for women looking to escape abuse. Although we’ve grown much bigger and offer many more services now, we’d […]
Coercive Control
Would you consider it abuse if you saw a man yelling at his girlfriend? What if he called her an awful name? What if you learned that a female friend […]