If You Need Help, You Have Come To The Right Place
Serving over 17,500 women since 1992 in the City of Kawartha Lakes, Women’s Resources is the most trusted organization for helping woman suffering abuse or domestic violence.
We Have The Best Support Teams at Women’s Resources
Our services support women and their children who are being abused or have experienced abuse or domestic violence. If you have experienced any of the following, please call us now.
- Slaps, punches, pushes or kicks
- Threatens to hurt you
- Hides or keeps your personal forms of identification such as your social insurance card
- Forces unwanted sex
- Controls the money
- Makes it difficult to see friends
- Uses hurtful name calling
- Is always right and cannot be contradicted
- Is frightening and unpredictable
- Won’t let you have your passport (or other papers)

You are not alone
Women’s Resources provides services to help women and their children living in the City of Kawartha Lakes and the surrounding area who have encountered any type of abuse or domestic violence.
Please watch our informational “How do you know” video to learn more about abuse, and the potential signs of domestic violence.
All our services are free and confidential.
Additional Resources
Fem’Aide – French language VAW hotline https://femaide.ca/
Talk 4 Healing – Indigenous VAW hotline https://www.talk4healing.com/
Safety Planning
- When you are being threatened or fear for your safety, call 911
- Make noise: neighbours may call the police for you
- Teach your children how to call 911 for help and make a safety plan with them and the neighbours if possible
- If you can, take the children with you when you leave
- Contact your local women’s shelter for help with safety planning
- Open a bank account in your own name and arrange that statements are not mailed to you
- Save as much money as you can
- Save money for taxi and quarters for pay phones
- Plan emergency exits
- Hide extra clothes, house keys, car keys, money, etc., at a friend’s house or in a safe place
- You can ask police to go back to your home with you to get some of your things
Have Frequently Asked Questions Or Concerns ?
Visit our Frequently Asked Questions page for more information on our resources and confidential services.